Logo Theme
Walkathon Theme
Enabling Women Empowerment
“If women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well. When women are empowered they will improve their living conditions and this will be reflected in their families and the economy thus helping their community and country” (Mrs Clinton, 4th United Nations Conference, China) It’s the duty of all of us to ensure that women get empowered, socially, economically, academically, politically and in all possible spheres. Empower doesn’t mean giving them the opportunity. It is about enabling them to make their choices as they desired. Empowerment calls for equitable space for women without disparity. Right to education should be inclusive of women and education as a tool should give the desirable space women prefer as her choice of life. Collective and participatory decision making at all levels, ensuring equitable rights irrespective of gender is required to ensure sustainable development.
This event targets the youth through the schools and colleges, to sensitize them on the cause. We find the student fraternity's support for this event to be amazing. School and College Students, Self Help Group Women members, Farmers and General Public will participate to express the solidarity for the cause of Green and Clean Environment.
Essay Writing/ Drawing Competition
In order to sensitise the issue, a Madurai Walkathon invites School and College students to participate in the ESSAY WRITING and DRAWING COMPETITIONS on different topics related to the theme Giving Forward


Support for Cause
The partnership goes beyond sponsoring the event, projects or products evolved from each of the event have received support in the past. There are different partnership opportunities starting from sponsoring a portion of the event, to pledge for the cause of the event by way of extending long term support for the projects or products.


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