Logo Theme
Green and Clean Environment
Coinciding with the Swachh Bharat Mission launched by the Government of India, DHAN has taken “Green and Clean” as a theme of the Walkathon, which is organised on January 24, 2015 across the country. Greening and Cleaning are the twin big challenges faced by the villages and cities in India today. With the rapid pace of urbanisation, the urban population is stressed with a lot of environmental challenges like pollution of water, air and land, and resultant hazards to public health. Indiscriminate damage caused to green cover and water resources have made the urban living miserable, leading to outbreak of diseases and economic stress as a fall out. The Walkathon is an effort to initiate public debate and engagement into meaningful action around these issues.The major focus of the Walkathon is instilling a sense of cleanliness and concept of greening in the minds of everyone not only to keep their dwelling places clean and green, but also playing their role voluntarily in keeping the public utilities and common properties clean and green. Thematic areas for action around the theme of Green and Clean are Conserving and Developing Waterbodies, Planting and maintaining trees, Promoting Sanitation and Hygiene,Promoting Clean and Green Foods, Nutrition Gardens in the Farm and Home.
This event targets the youth through the schools and colleges, to sensitize them on the cause. We find the student fraternity's support for this event to be amazing. School and College Students, Self Help Group Women members, Farmers and General Public will participate to express the solidarity for the cause of Green and Clean Environment.
Essay Writing/ Drawing Competition
In order to sensitise the issue, a Madurai Walkathon invites School and College students to participate in the ESSAY WRITING and DRAWING COMPETITIONS on different topics related to the theme Green and Clean Environment


Support for Cause
The partnership goes beyond sponsoring the event, projects or products evolved from each of the event have received support in the past. There are different partnership opportunities starting from sponsoring a portion of the event, to pledge for the cause of the event by way of extending long term support for the projects or products.
                   ....Click here for Brochure....


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