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Water and Life: II Development Film Festival : Water and Media

Dialogue on Working Together for Promoting Awareness and Action for
Conservation of Water Resources

Venue: Gandhi Museum, Madurai

Date: 28 September 2006


Although the world’s water related problems are growing increasingly devastating and need to be addressed urgently, it is recognized that they cannot be solved by the action of Governments alone. It will also require the education, mobilization and involvement of all sections of the society. NGOs are often in the forefront of carrying out studies, highlighting issues, organising communities and empowering them. NGOs often bridge the gap between policies, plans and practices of Governments with the reality of implementation at the grassroots, amongst the communities which are most impacted.

The media today has immense reach and can be a great and powerful influence for positive change. It is the inherent responsibility of the media to serve the community that they reach out to. In light of the great impact that scarcity and mismanagement of water will have on the whole world, the media needs to be actively exercising their influence to raise awareness on these issues and to promote public-will that help conserving water resources. Towards this end, it is natural that NGOs and media should work together and build on each others strengths and knowledge. However, this first requires both to come to an understanding of each other; different expectations, needs, capabilities, limitations and even short comings.
The dialogue organised with this objective on 28th September 2006 at Gandhi Smarag Nidhi Hall at Gandhi Museum, Madurai. The dialogue focused on how to develop that collaborative efforts so as to elevate water related issues to a high priority, promote actual achievements and successes, reaching out and providing accurate, accessible and useful information, and being an effective representative of the community on water related issues. The dialogue also tried to discuss ways of developing and strengthening the NGO-Media role in enhancing awareness and conservation of the water resources.

Issues discussed:

  • What makes a successful media campaign on water?
  • Targeting audiences and changing behaviors. What works where?
  • The world's eyes are focused on the social and humanitarian issues championed by development NGOs and grassroots movements. How can NGOs / Peoples Movements move their intrinsically linked messages in to the limelight?
  • How can collaboration between media and NGOs benefit the environment and the people? How can this be done more successfully?


Programme Schedule

1000 - 1015


Welcome and introduction to theme

1015 - 1030


Inauguration of Dialogue

1030 - 1130


Experience Sharing
•  Experience of Adike Patrike - Farm magazine in popularizing Rain Water Harvesting
•  Experience of DHAN Foundation in Communicating with the Communities
•  Role of Mainstream Media in Water
•  Experience sharing by community about role of media in water

1145 - 1200


Media-NGO partnership in enhancing awareness and conservation of the Water Resources

1200 - 1330


Dialogue on working together for Promoting Awareness and Action for

Conservation of Water Resources

1430 - 1600


Brainstorming on Development Journalists Forum for Water

1600 - 1615


Concluding remarks

1700 - 2100


Screening of Films


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