
Agriculture and Water Pollution South Asia Network (AGRIWAPSAN)


‘South Asia Environmental Capacity Building – Agriculture and Water Pollution Project’ is the project being implemented by DHAN Foundation in India, Arthcharya Foundation in Sri Lanka, LiBird in Nepal and CARITAS Bangladesh in Bangladesh, with the support of US Department of state and CACH. The project started from October 2017 to at present focusing on four key areas such as Policy gap analysis, Capacity Building, Action research and Regional Network. Under this project, it is proposed to have a knowledge sharing platform to disseminate the knowledge to a wider audience. This website will act as a platform for disseminating information on ‘Agriculture and Water Pollution & Land Based Water Pollution’ at South Asia level.

DHAN Foundation is taking lead and created this online platform in continuation of the project. This will also complement the online course run by DHAN Foundation on ‘Land based water Pollution’.

Key purposes of this platform are

  • To create an online knowledge base on ‘Agriculture and Water pollution’ and disseminate the case studies, policy briefs and other key outcomes of the project implemented
  • To serve as the cross and co learning platform for various stakeholders across the South Asian level