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Annual Report

Annual Report 2018

DHAN International (DI) is an initiative inspired by DHAN’s philosophy of putting development in the hands of communities who are generally deprived and disadvantaged. The community first approach has led to building social capital of people institutions at the grassroots, governance and leadership through an intensive enabling process. The two flagship programmes of DHAN, the community banking by women, local management of Tank systems (Water Commons) by farmers themselves who have rights for sharing the water for irrigated agriculture. Having realised the scaling up of two flagship models with sustainability driven by communities and larger impact over a million households, DHAN Foundation has established DHAN International to introduce and initiate these two community centric development models in Asia and Africa. With this intent, the strategy has been developed in 2018 for South South Development Cooperation and shared learning in East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) and Cambodia in East Asia. DHAN International believes that this sustainable community based models contribute towards realizing a number of Sustainable Development Goals.

From these perspectives, two strategic partners have been identified for exploring collaboration. The first being Embassy of Earth based in Netherlands www.embassyoftheearth.org. A project for coping with climate change with the sustainable adaptation measures have been conceptualized in the MasaiMara region of Kenya / Tanzania which would be led by communities. The project is basically focused on conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and regeneration / replenishment. This project is titled White Mountain. Secondly, collaboration with Caritas Cambodia www.caritascambodia.org for women empowerment through Kalanjiam Community Banking model based on self help and mutuality have been firmed up.

Enthused by DHAN’s farm based livelihood initiative of organised farming systems of small farmers for scaling up and sustainability – Primary Producer groups, Primary Marketing groups and Farmers Producer Companies, DHAN International would seek to build the value chain model around this farming system in the East Africa. In this regard, the CEO of DI along with Board Member Mrs.Annette had good opportunity of participating in the Food First conference on 01 June 2018 @ Rabo Bank head quarters, Utrecht. The conference has thrown light on many initiatives and opportunities in agriculture and related technology being initiated by Rabo Bank in collaboration with FAO. Of particular interest is the climate smart agriculture and dairy cooperatives.

DI would seek funding both in the form of seed capital for start-up activities as well as in the form of impact investment for more mature business developments both in India as well as in Africa

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