Assignments as an Associate

As an associate, he/she will be given the following assignments/tasks.

Observing community interaction:

Attend at least three meetings of functional groups or other similar village forums as an observer. Keep notes, identifying two to three issues central to the deliberations in the meeting and recording one's feelings during the meeting. These notes should then be shared with the Field Guide , who will help him/her review experience and feelings. It also provides a basis for writing periodic reports.

Field project :

Field Guide will assign the associates one or more field projects leading to tangible outcomes at the end of a specified period. These will be set in a village(s) where DHAN has a project, and provide them substantive opportunity to explore their self in the context of an ongoing microcosm of development action.

Review and reflection :

Development Associates are expected to periodically review and reflect upon their field experience with their Field Guide , informally, such as during trips together as well as in meetings specifically scheduled for this purpose. This will help Development Associates to reflect on their feelings vis-a-vis the community, life as a grassroots worker and their performance of field assignment vis-a-vis the expected outcomes. The formal review is done once a week during the first three weeks and fortnightly thereafter. The periodic reports (described later) also form the basis for such review and reflection.

Report writing :

Development Associates are required to write three reports and a short essay. The first report is written at the end of three weeks; the second at the end of seven weeks; and the third at the end of 11 weeks. They are also expected to write a short essay (about 500 words) titled "My Role in Rural Development". The reports (about 2 words each and as first-person accounts) should cover the following.

Development Associates activities and achievements during the reporting period,

1. An account of two or three issues Development Associates think are being faced by the community on the basis of their participation in community meetings and other interactions in the project villages,

2. Development Associates feelings about these issues, the community, and the role he/she could play,

3. An account of and feelings about the conditions of living and work,

4. Feelings about their potential career as a development worker and its' implications for self and family, and

5. Feelings about the work done.

Development Associates are expected to submit periodical reports to the respective Field Guide and ensured sending a copy of the report with Field Guide 's comments to the HRD unit. "My role essay" should also be sent to the HRD unit.

Read relevant material :

It is difficult to over emphasise the importance of reading. Not only will it open windows to the rest of the world, but it will also help Development Associates see their role in a wider perspective and provide useful inputs to the choice they are trying to make. So seek out Development Associates are expected to own reading material with the help of others in the project them. The HRD unit will also provide them with reading material from time to time. Discuss what they read with others, and perhaps each Development Associates could share their views about an article by writing to a member of the organisation in another location or project.